Registration forms
The Scouts keeps a record of all Group, District and County/Area/Region registrations.
Quick links
To make sure our records are kept up-to-date, you’ll need to notify us if you're:
- Registering or closing a group or district
- Changing a group or district name, meeting place, sponsoring authority or group type
- Moving a group to a different district
- Amalgamating a group or district
All you need to do is fill in the relevant form, found on this page, approved by the appropriate Trustee Board.
Once completed, you can send this into us at We’ll update Compass for you, and file a permanent copy in our Heritage Collection.
Please complete the form digitally where possible, rather than printing and scanning a paper copy.
Sections at Group, District and County level can be registered, edited and closed directly in Compass without informing UK Headquarters.
Please contact Scouts if you’d like to make a change to a County level, or higher, registration.
Registering a new Group or District
Use this form if you're registering a new Group or District.
Download the Group or District Registration Form (C)Change in Group or District registration
Use this form to update a Group or District name, meeting place, sponsoring authority or Group type.
Download the Group or District Registration Change Form (C2)Moving a Group to a new District
Use this form if you are moving a Group to a new District. You'll need to complete some actions on Compass, which we’ll guide you through once you’ve submitted the form.
Download the Group District Change Form (C3)Closing a Group or District
Use this form if you need to close a Group or District.
Download the Group or District Closure Form (C4)Amalgamating Groups or Districts
Use this form if you are amalgamating Group or Districts. You'll need to complete some actions on Compass, which we’ll guide you through once you’ve submitted the form.
Download the Group or District Amalgamation Form (C5)Registering as a charity
All Scout Units are independent charities, read our guidance on registering as a charity.
Read our guidance on registering as a charity