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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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Satellite Sections

Satellite Sections

Creating a New Group

Satellite Sections can also form the basis of a new Scout Group in an adjoining area. The satellite Section will benefit from being part of an established Group - with a Group Scout Leader, other Leaders and a Group Trustee Board to provide support while it establishes itself. It can build up a network of local adults ready to form its own leadership team and Trustee Board. As adults are identified and recruited they can work within the host Group in order to gain experience and 'learn the ropes'.

There is the potential for difficulties over the use and division of funds and equipment. The organisation and support of fund-raising activities can also be a cause for concern. Sensitivity and a clear policy, thought out in advance, should avoid disagreements when it comes to the satellite Section 'being released' on its own.

One District had a deliberate strategy of establishing Satellite Sections/Groups as a means of starting new Groups. Over a ten-year period three Satellite Groups successfully established themselves as new Scout Groups in their own right.

Satellite Lodges/Sixes/Patrols

Where there are a small number of young people living in an isolated hamlet or village, or where regular attendance and travel to where a Section is based is difficult, a satellite Lodge or Six could be established.

Under the leadership of an Assistant Section Leader they could meet for three weeks in their own locality, attending the Section meeting once a month and for special activities. A satellite Patrol, under the direction of a competent Patrol Leader, could operate in a similar way. Much of the advice given above, in relation to Cobweb units, is applicable here.

Where a Scout Group has some older Cub Scouts, but no Scout Troop within their own Group, they could form their own satellite Patrol of a nearby Troop. In due course they might then be able to form their own Troop. An Assistant Cub Scout Leader might also accompany them and become the Scout Leader, both gaining support and experience from the host Troop.