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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Programme development toolkit

Welcome to the new online version of the Quality Programme Checkers.

We've refreshed the resources and named them the Programme Development Toolkit. You can try out the first version with your teams.

It lets you take a moment to reflect on how your section runs, what your young people get up to and who makes the decisions (just to name a few).

We encourage you to complete the online form as a team, either before or after a Programme Planning Meeting or yearly.

Based on the responses you give, we'll send you a personalised report that gives you resources and guidance to take your programme to the next level. This makes sure the Scouts in your section are gaining skills for life.

We'd love to know how you're finding using the Programme Development Toolkit. You can get in touch and share your thoughts using the online form

We'll review any feedback on a quarterly basis and update the toolkit based on your thoughts. We'll also update the resources and guidance given as we introduce new ideas to the programme.

Image of a male volunteer wearing a UK necker in front of a screen with a laptop

Staying safe

Doing things safely is fundamental to everything we do in Scouts.

Activity finder

Whether you're looking for an adventure, a recipe, a game, a craft or something else, our activity finder's bursting with programme ideas.

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