Suspension process for no valid disclosure
Process overview
There are three key elements to the mandatory suspension process regarding disclosures. These are:
- Welcome and reminder service for new adults joining Scouting who require a disclosure
- Reminder service for existing adults whose disclosure requires renewal
- The suspension and unsuspension of adults who have not submitted a disclosure application
In order for these systems to work efficiently, it is important that all volunteers (including Occasional Helpers and Non-Member PVG in Scotland) have a valid email address recorded on Compass so that the reminders are not missed.
You can view a process overview diagram that summarises the detail below.
New adults joining (or re-joining) Scouting who require a disclosure
These adults will receive a welcome email two days after they are added to Compass (Note: the “clock” starts when they are added to Compass, not from the role start date). The email will remind them that obtaining a disclosure plays an essential part in safeguarding the young people in the Movement. It will also explain how to obtain a valid disclosure and that they need to complete the application process within 30 days (in England, Wales and Northern Ireland) or 60 days (in Scotland and British Scouting Overseas). This email will be copied to their line manager, the relevant Commissioner and Appointment Secretary.
If a completed disclosure application has not been made within 20 days (in England, Wales and Northern Ireland), 40 days (in Scotland) or 30 days (in British Scouting Overseas), a reminder email will be sent to the individual and copied to their line manager, the relevant Commissioner and Appointment Secretary.
Adults who are required to renew their disclosure
These adults will receive reminder emails informing them that their disclosure is about to expire approximately 90 days, 60 days and 30 days before it does. The email(s) will explain what they have to do in order to apply for a new disclosure. Their line manager, relevant Commissioner and Appointment Secretary will also be informed at 90, 60 and 30 days that the disclosure is about to expire.
If by the time the original disclosure expires a completed application has not been made, further reminders will be sent after 1 day and 20 days (in England, Wales and Northern Ireland) or 40 days (in Scotland) or 30 days (in British Scouting Overseas) after expiry.
Suspensions of adults who have not submitted a disclosure application
If after 30 days (in England, Wales, Northern Ireland) or 60 days (in Scotland and British Scouting Overseas) of being added to Compass as a new adult, or expiry of their disclosure for an existing adult, a completed disclosure application has not been made, the relevant commissioner (normally the District Commissioner) will be informed that they must suspend the individual concerned.
Suspensions are not an automated process, however they are mandatory and Commissioners will need to complete the suspension process on Compass (including obtaining the approval of the next Commissioner up in the line manager chain). It's critical that ‘No valid disclosure’ is selected as the suspension reason.
The Commissioner must also inform the individual concerned and their line manager (usually by telephone or face-to-face meeting).
An alternative to suspension is to close the role(s) that require a disclosure. For some people, particularly new volunteers and Occasional Helpers, this might be the best approach to adopt.
Once suspended on Compass, individuals who have an email address on Compass will automatically receive email notification of their suspension together with a link to some guidance notes for that suspended person. If they don't have a valid email address on Compass the Commissioner will be required to send them a hard copy suspension letter.
Commissioners should be aware of their ability to modify the suspension conditions in order to enable the suspended person as a parent or carer to participate to some extent in Scouting with their child (for example, to attend award presentations or to drop off and pick up their child). Any modifications must be kept to a minimum, communicated in writing to the individual and must not allow the suspended person to engage in regulated activity (for example by taking on a leadership function or to attend camp). See POR Rule
If suspensions are not implemented by the relevant Commissioner, and/or a disclosure application is not submitted or the role closed within seven days of notification, the matter will be escalated automatically to the next Commissioner up in the line management chain.
Ending suspensions
Once suspended, in order to be unsuspended the individual concerned will need to complete a disclosure application, obtain a valid disclosure and complete the vetting process. Once they have cleared the vetting process the relevant Commissioner and Appointment Secretary will be notified and the individual will be unsuspended by HQ. The Commissioner will need to contact the individual concerned and tell them that they have been unsuspended. They must confirm this in writing.
If a disclosure has not been applied for within 60 days (in England, Wales and Northern Ireland) or 90 days (in Scotland and British Scouting Overseas) following their suspension, the roles held by the individual concerned will be closed. If they subsequently wish to re-join Scouting they will need to restart the joining process.
Obtaining a disclosure
The process for obtaining a disclosure remains unchanged. You can find additional guidance about how to process a disclosure check in the following locations below: