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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

Discover what this means


What’s the purpose, who are they for, and when to have them

Reviews are a conversation between you and your line manager. They’re a chance to catch up on how your volunteering is going, talk about any concerns, ask any questions, and share successes. They’re all about making your volunteering experience the best it can be. 

During your review, you’ll talk about:

  • How you’re getting on with your tasks and your team.

  • What you’re doing well.

  • Any difficulties you’re experiencing.

  • Opportunities to keep developing yourself.

  • Any support you can get (if you need it).

At the end of a great review, you’ll have clear next steps to make your volunteering experience even better (agreed by you and your line manager).

At Scouts, we encourage every volunteer to have at least one review a year. Line managers organise reviews, but you can ask for a review at any time.

Reviews guidance for line managers

Our reviews guidance helps line managers prepare for reviews with their team.

Discover reviews guidance for line managers