Waiting lists
Wouldn’t it be great if we could create spaces for every young person who wants to join?
A ‘register of interest’ includes anyone who is too young to join the section at the moment and a ‘waiting list’ includes anyone who is old enough to join Beavers, Cubs, Scouts or Explorers but is waiting for a space to become available.
When you consider your waiting list it's worth having a think about why there is a waiting list for your section. Ask yourself, could the venue you meet in cater for more young people? Would you need more adults to manage a larger section? Is your waiting list the opportunity to open a new section? Can other local Groups offer them places?
Don’t panic about where the new adult volunteers will come from; look at the six simple steps to recruiting volunteers and think about using the 4-week challenge resources. By bringing in more young people it will increase the number of adults you can ask to join your team.
It's a good idea to review your waiting list at the start of each school term so that you have an accurate picture of future vacancies, and of times when you are likely to be full. It's important to keep your District informed so that they can help you find spaces for all young people who want to join, so nobody misses out.
Top Tips
If the lack of adult volunteers is stopping you from offering more places to young people then let’s recruit those volunteers! Use our recruitment cycle to find more amazing volunteers
Do you share your waiting list with other groups locally and do you signpost parents to other Groups?
If you do have a waiting list and parents don’t want to go to other groups it’s a good idea to keep in regular contact with the parents by email or phone. You might invite them to follow your Groups public Facebook page.
If you have a waiting list of 10 or more young people have you thought about opening a second Section on a different evening?
Follow the link for advice about starting a new section, you could do this by holding an open event, inviting the young people who are waiting to join. Often when we show parents what fun Scouts is and that we need their help to start a new section they are keen to get involved.
Useful links