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Activity Plus Badge
/scouts/activity-badges/activity-plus/Activity Plus Badge for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers
Chief Scout's Gold Award
/top-awards/chief-scout-s-gold-award/Find out what challenge awards and activity badges you need to complete to earn the Chief Scout's Gold Award.
Scouts Scientist Activity Badge
/scouts/activity-badges/scientist/Spark your curiosity and creativity with the Scientist activity badge. Have fun learning some valuable science-based skills.
Scouts Cyclist Activity Badge
/scouts/activity-badges/cyclist/Earn your Cyclist Activity Badge to make sure your cycling skills are top-knotch before your next cycling adventure.
Take part in our Scout Activity Badge survey
/activities/take-part-in-our-scout-activity-badge-survey/Get involved and let young people have their say on the Scout section activity badge review
Safety badges
/volunteers/staying-safe-and-safeguarding/safety/safety-in-the-programme/safety-badges/Here’s the links to safety related activity badges for each section.
Explorers Instructor Activity Badge
/explorers/activity-badges/instructor/What's next? Share your knowledge, teach others, and inspire the next generation.
Explorers Creative Arts Activity Badge
/explorers/activity-badges/creative-arts/Sing. Paint. Make. Whatever you create, let your imagination lead the way.
Mapping Community Impact across the Squirrels badges
/volunteers/running-your-section/running-a-squirrel-drey/programme-planning/community-impact-in-squirrels/mapping-community-impact-across-the-squirrels-badges/Find examples of activities for Community Impact that link with all the different parts of the Squirrels badge programme.
Scouts Instructor Activity Badge
/scouts/activity-badges/instructor/Refine your results
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