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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Blog | 03 December 2019

Need some helping hands?


In Scouts we can always do with an extra pair of hands. But what’s the best way to bring in parents and other volunteers? Here are nine of the best items on the brand centre to encourage people to take a deep breath and step out of the car park and into the hall…

1. You look like a role model

Need an eye-catching poster to help you stand out from the crowd? What better way than to use one of these colourful posters

Search: Role Model

2. We’re volunteers

How many of your Scouts’ parents know that you’re a team of volunteers? Put up these posters in a place where people gather and let them know. There’s also a little invitation for them to join the team. (Also available in Welsh!)

Search: We're volunteers

3. Teeth gritting, award winning, Thursday nights

Give people a flavour of a real Scouts meeting. These posters give them a sense of what really goes on, on a typical Thursday night, and of course you can change the wording in the template (for example, if you happen to meet on a Wednesday!).

Search: Text only

4. You don’t have to be Bear Grylls to volunteer

It’s true, we already have one of those, and he’s brilliant. But this is a great way to attract people’s attention and to let them know the many enjoyable and important jobs that can be done by mere mortals. You can choose to use one or both sides of the flyer. It’s also available as an image for Twitter.

Search: Bear Grylls

5. The Four Week Challenge

Challenge parents and others to volunteer for just four weeks. If they love it, they’ll stay on. If not, they get a certificate and a thank you and some volunteering experience on their CV.

Search: Four week challenge

6. Vacancy board

Need a bean-counter, rope-coiler or tea-maker? No problem. Order one of these boards and you can include up to six role vacancies in the pockets for parents to take away.

Search: Vacancy board

7. Social media posts - Expert at shoes laces and fist bumps

Thought about trying to reach parents and other potential volunteers online? We’ve just added a range of volunteering images you can use on Facebook and Twitter.

Search: Facebook recruitment or Twitter recruitment

8. Car stickers

Yes, you can still recruit volunteers even when you’re stuck in traffic. Take a look at the new stickers available and you can adapt these with your own wording too.

Search: Car sticker

9. Family rota board

The secret to a great group is to have a team of mums, dads and carers willing to help out. You can now order a wipe clean family rota board where family members can fill in their details. Many hands make light work.

Search: Family rota

All these great resources are available on the Scouts brand centre. Register or log in now to get started.

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