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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

Discover what this means

Structure of our volunteer teams

Structure of our volunteer teams

On this page

  • The structure of our volunteer teams in Sections, Groups, Districts and Counties
  • How we can use sub-teams to help organise our volunteers

This information should support what is being shared in local briefings and meetings with your local Transformation Leads and leadership teams. Work with your Transformation Leads to plan how and when you will make these changes locally.

Our programme is at the core of what we do 

Our programme (what our Scouts do each week) is mostly designed and run by Section Teams, and shaped by young people. Every volunteer either plans and runs the programme, or supports the volunteers who do.

Every volunteer plays a part in creating a brilliant programme for young people. 

Pyramid diagram showing how our programme is run

How we work together

Each part of Scouts helps young people enjoy fun, high-quality, and safe programmes. We do this by working together to deliver a great programme for young people, while looking after our volunteers.  

How we organise Sections and Groups

Sections run the programme. They’re at the heart of Scouts work with young people. 

Scout Groups help volunteers work well together and keep them feeling motivated across Squirrel, Beaver, Cub, and Scout Sections. They make sure the Group is respected and supported in their local community. 

The structure of a Section Team, which includes Team Leader(s), Team Members and Young Leaders. Also shows the structure of a Group, which includes Sections, Group Leadership Team, and Trustee Board.

In each Scout Group, there are three types of teams: 

  • The Section Teams run high-quality programmes safely.  
  • The Group Leadership Team helps all volunteers in the Group (including Young Leaders) work together to plan and run high-quality programmes.  
  • The Group Trustee Board provides charity governance for the Group. 

Some Groups might find it helpful to use sub-teams, such as a maintenance or fundraising sub-team of the Leadership Team. 

The Section Team is supported by people outside of Scouts, who informally help run part of the programme.

How we organise Districts

Scout Districts help volunteers develop, improve Section programmes, and support Scouts to run in the best way possible.  

They keep volunteers working well together and feeling motivated. They also make sure the 14-24 Sections are working well and are well regarded in their local community.

Structure of District, including Groups, 14-24 Team, Leadership Team, Volunteering Development Team, Support Team, Programme Team, Trustee Board

The District Leadership Team is made up of:  

Each District has a: 

  • Leadership Team 
  • 14–24 Team 
  • Programme Team 
  • Volunteering Development Team 
  • Support Team  
  • Trustee Board 

Some Districts might find it helpful to have sub-teams, such as a climbing sub-team of the Programme Team, or a campsite service sub-team of the Support Team.  

Multiple Districts can share some functions or teams. In this case, the District Leadership Teams make sure the teams are meeting their own District’s needs.

How we organise Counties

Scout Counties help volunteers in County teams (including District Lead Volunteers) develop, and they enhance Section programmes with opportunities that are best run at County scale.

Structure of a County, including Leadership Team, Volunteering Development Team, Programme Team, Support Team, Trustee Board, and Districts.

The County Leadership Team is made up of: 

Each County has a:  

  • Leadership Team 
  • Programme Team 
  • Volunteering Development Team 
  • Support Team 
  • Trustee Board 

Some Counties might find it helpful to have sub-teams, such as a climbing sub-team of the Programme Team, or a campsite service sub-team of the Support Team.  

Multiple Counties can share functions or teams. In this case, the County Leadership Teams need to make sure teams meet their County’s needs.  


Additional ways of organising our volunteers

We can use sub-teams to help organise our volunteers clearly. You can decide locally if they're needed, and what they're called.