Kate Marks
Kate Marks
Kate's a Group Scout Leader for her village group in Avon. She’s relatively new to Scouting, having spent several years delivering the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme with groups across Hampshire, Bristol, and Kent. She was inspired by the positive impact that youth organisations and programmes can have on young people’s wellbeing and outcomes, and their wider communities, during her six years as a part-time youth and community support worker for her local council. She's delighted to bring this experience and enthusiasm to Scouts, a cause very close to her heart.
With over 20 years in the environmental sector, Kate's a senior leader of a digital specialist team in a public-sector body. As a chartered scientist and environmentalist, and with climate change and sustainability one of the top concerns of young people today, she believes the movement has a vital role to play in empowering young people to be voices for change. She is also a passionate advocate for inclusion, leading on faith and belief for her organisation.