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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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Governance structure and Board membership – 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024

Governance structure and Board membership – 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024

Founder: Robert Baden-Powell, OM, First Baron Baden-Powell of Gilwell

Patron: His Majesty The King

Presidents: Her Royal Highness, The Princess of Wales, GCVO; His Royal Highness, The Duke of Kent, KG, GCMG, GCVO

Vice Presidents: Wayne Bulpitt CBE, Peter Duncan, George Purdy CBE, Tim Kidd OBE

Chief Scout: Lt Col (Hon) Bear Grylls RM OBE

The Board of Trustees

The percentages indicate the number of eligible Board meetings each member attended. The Board met 9 times formally in the reportable period. Six were extraordinary meetings.

1 = Finance Committee Member
2 = Strategy and Delivery Committee Member
3 = Nominations and Governance Committee Member
4 = People and Culture Committee Member
5 = Safeguarding Committee Member
6 = Safety Committee Member

Trustees (voting)

  • Mike Ashley (89 %) 1, Treasurer, Chair of the Finance Committee
  • Nigel Ball (89%) 1
  • David Branagh (100%) 1, 4 (until September 2023)
  • Craig Dewar-Willox (100%) 3, 5, Vice Chair of the Board from September 2023
  • Paul Dickson (67%) 4 (from September 2023)
  • Liam Edgely (44%) 3 (from September 2023)
  • Joseph Fletcher (78%) 4 (from September 2023)
  • Graham Haddock (78%) 2, 3
  • Carl Hankinson (89%) 2, 3, UK Chief Volunteer
  • Gareth Jones (89%) 3, Vice Chair (until September 2023)
  • Ayesha Karim (67%) 2, 3, UK Youth Lead
  • Sharon Lee (78%) 6, Chair of Safety Committee
  • Ella MacLeod (50%) 4 (until September 2023)
  • Kate Marks (100%) 2, 6
  • Jake Myatt (67%) 3
  • Peter Oliver OBE (89%) 2, Chair of Strategy and Delivery Committee
  • Jordan Pidwell (100%) 6
  • Jennie Price CBE (100%) 3, Chair of the Board
  • David Sandall (78%) 5, Chair of Safeguarding Committee
  • Busola Sodeinde (67%) 4
  • Liz Walker (89%) 3
  • Ollie Wood (100%) 1
  • Matt Hyde OBE (100%) 2, 3, Chief Executive

Right of attendance (non-voting)

  • The Chief Scout,
  • the Deputy Chief Scout,
  • the International Commissioner, any Country/Regional/County/Area Commissioner or Chair and Chief Commissioner.

Executive Leadership Team and Committee membership

  • Chloe Kembery 2, Executive Director of Marketing and Fundraising
  • Tim Kidd 2, Interim Executive Director of Operations (until August 2023)
  • Mark Hislop 2, Executive Director of Commercial Services
  • Kris Murali 1, 2, Executive Director of Finance and Resources (until December 2023)
  • Yvonne Smithers, 1, 2, Interim Executive Director of Finance and Resources (until April 2024)
  • Philippa Ward 2, Executive Director of Strategy and Transformation
  • Matthew Killick BEM 2, Executive Director of Operations (from July 2023)

Members of the Executive Leadership Team have rights of attendance at all meetings of the Board and its Committees.

Apart from the Nominations and Governance Committee, all Board Committees have appointed the Trustee members indicated above for their specialist skills, plus one or more non-Trustee members. There’s at least one member under the age of 25 contributing to each Committee.

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