Find out what to do if you have adverse information on your criminal record check
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A self-disclosure is when a volunteer knows of some adverse information that’ll be on their criminal record check. They must tell the Safeguarding Team about this immediately.
Self-disclosure is part of the NSPCC Safer Recruitment guidance, which we’re committed to following as an organisation.
Having adverse information on your criminal record check doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t join Scouts. We assess all information provided from a criminal record check using the Safeguarding and Vetting Decision Guidance (see POR Chapter 16: Adult Roles) to make sure only appropriate adults are volunteering at Scouts. Read more about adverse information here.
If you’re a current member with a valid criminal record check and you know of some information that’s about to be added to your record, you must contact the Safeguarding Team immediately either by emailing or by calling 020 8433 7164.
Our Safeguarding Code of Conduct for Adults (Yellow Card) also requires you to inform the Safeguarding Team immediately if there is a concern, complain or allegation about you, inside or outside of Scouts.