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International activities

Taking part in adventurous activities while in new and different countries can bring an exciting new element to Scouting.

Here are some details and guidance on how to do this, we've got guidance on visiting Kandersteg International Scout Centre, how to manage adventurous activities when abroad and links to the relevant rules in POR.

If you need further support with your plans get in touch with your Programme Team who should be able to help or find someone who can.

Frequently asked questions

Classifications are defined in the same way outside the UK as they are within. The permit holder should be able to define the waters when you arrive or before you go based on prior knowledge of the area.

There is no central point for finding a local activity provider abroad, but best to make the most of your networks and contacts so ask around with the host association, your accommodation provider or any local scout contacts you have.

When using external providers, you need to take reasonable steps to ensure that the provider is suitably qualified to deliver the activity. This should be through them holding formal qualifications from a national governing body or similar, and the qualification should be at an equivalent level to the qualification that would be needed to run the activity in the UK.

There is no direct comparison of qualifications from organisations in different countries, so you will need to find as much information as possible about the qualifications held from the provider you are looking to use and your Programme Team should be able to help you compare this with the standards required in the UK.

Yes, our rules allow activities to be planned and led by the host scouts whilst following their rules. Any activities which are banned for our members applies to anywhere in the world. Rule 9.3 Visits Abroad

KISC has a set of rules for the management of activities which fit the requirements of the UK Scout Association.

Find our more about Kandersteg.

Yes, unless a restriction on the permit states that it is for UK use only.

Yes, Scouting’s Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR) applies outside the UK too.

Yes, if a permit is required in the UK then it will be required outside the UK for a Scout-led activity.

Check your insurance policy, if your travel insurance is with Unity all activities will be covered provided you follow the rules as laid out in POR.

No, just the relevant permit for the type of accommodation. There is a requirement to complete the Visits Abroad process. Contact your Visits Abroad Recommender for details.

The Visits Abroad process must be followed which required notification and approval of your trip being planned and then the trip approved to go ahead.

Find out more about arranging for travel abroad.

The same rules apply when swimming abroad.

The UK terrain definitions apply anywhere in the world. However the altitude criteria may not apply outside the UK. Where this is the case members should define the terrain using the other criteria, and the height gained from the low point in the area as the altitude criteria.

Yes, all activities which are banned for members applies to anywhere in the world.

No, all previous restrictions on Beavers Scouts taking part in visits abroad were removed in January 2018.

Find out more about Colony and Pack visits abroad.

The Visits Abroad process is designed to be used at all levels within Scouting and so for a county run trip the VA form needs to be approved by the County VA Approver, however if they are participating in the trip this should be escalated to the Regional Lead Volunteer who can support finding a suitable person to approve the trip. Part A would be completed as usual and when completing part B it may be beneficial to notify Lead Volunteers of who from their Districts are taking part.

No, although consideration should be made to how a trip will be managed as it grows in size. The level at which the trip is being organised should be the level at which the Visits Abroad approval is given.

Kandersteg International Scout Centre (KISC)

Discover more about KISC

Adventurous activities abroad

Read the guidance
Scouts International Activity Badge

Scouts can explore the culture and traditions of other countries. With the opportunity to broaden their horizons as they learn about different communities.

Learn more about the badge >