Prohibited and restricted campsites
Campsites which are not available or not entirely suitable for the special conditions of scout camping are listed here.
Information on prohibited and restricted campsites is published for the assistance of volunteers in arranging camps. It's provided to avoid applications being made to owners who've already indicated it's not convenient for them to allow camping on their land.
Using the directory
Use the left-hand navigation menu. Click on the Country (which may appear as a blank page) and then on the County you wish to check.
Check to see if the County you are going to is listed in the navigation. If it's listed, it means there is a prohibited or restricted campsite in that area. If your intended county is not listed, it means there are no prohibited or restricted campsites at this particular time. You should check back regularly, before each camping trip you make, as information is subject to change at short notice.
Nights away leaders should be aware that in areas listed as prohibited, permission to camp will not be given. In areas listed as restricted, permission to camp must be obtained in advance from the named contact.
District Commissioners must not give approval for any nights away events to take place without referring to this directory.
Updates to the directory
Information included is based on the information supplied by each county. Where a county shows is not listed as having any prohibited or restricted sites, this means that we have not been notified of any.
If the information needs to be updated, please contact the county secretary.
County secretaries should send details of any updates to the UK headquarters, including all required information, including reasons for prohibition or restriction.
No sites listed
Northern Ireland
No sites listed