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Step 10: Publish your privacy stance

Step 10: Publish your privacy stance

This resource aims to provide local Scout Units with guidance on the creation of a privacy notice/policy. A privacy notice/policy is a document that explains to the data subject your data privacy stance, and is sometimes referred to as a data protection policy.

A privacy statement, or just in time notice, is a paragraph appended to the data capture source (such as a form) that provides transparent detail on the data processing, this is covered in Step 5 – Gathering Data.

Further clarification on the terms used for data privacy policies and notices within the Scouts can be found on our Data Protection FAQs.

A privacy policy/notice breaks down into a number of statements that are answers to the questions around what data you process in Scouting, how you do it and why you need it. This should be made available to anyone who your local Scout Unit collects and processes data on. It can be a page on your local website if you have one and should be easy to find, such as a link from the front page or printed copies made available if you do not have a local website or for those without internet access. The core principle in action here is transparency.

We have provided a Guidance Template for Creating a Privacy Policy. By using the wording within the resource, you should be able to construct your own privacy notice/policy specific to your local Scout Unit. You will be required to add information specific to your local circumstances as well as removing some of the information which is not relevant to your local Scout Unit.

Information about how we process personal data at UK HQ can be found in The Scout Association's Data Protection Policy.