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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Prior Learning Gained in the Young Leaders' scheme



The recognition of prior learning is one of the key principles of the Adult Training Scheme. This means that adults should not have to relearn things that they already know or be retaught things that they can already do.

Nationally, around 40-45% of new volunteers that join Scouting in a sectional role have “come through the Movement”, and typically these are Young Leaders moving into adult leadership. It's important to recognise that these Young Leaders will have a wealth of knowledge and experience that they will have picked up through the Young Leaders’ Scheme.

They may also already have evidence that can be used towards the validation of a training module in their adult role, although they will need to show that this is relevant to their new role.

These pages aim to give some guidance on how this prior learning can be recognised under the Adult Training Scheme.

Young Leaders' Scheme

Find out more about the scheme

Resources to support the scheme

Learn more about the Preparing to Lead Guidebook and the Explorer Scout Young Leader Logbook.

Discover the resources