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Scouts Writer Activity Badge

Scouts Writer Activity Badge

Writer badge

Develop the craft of storytelling through writing. Reach into your imagination and you could be the next Philip Pullman or Cressida Cowell.

How to earn your badge:

  1. Complete four of these activities.

    Talk about your choices with an appropriate adult.

    1. Compose a poem of at least eight lines. Discuss its meaning and construction.
    2. Create a short story of around 600 words.

      Talk about your story idea with an appropriate adult beforehand.

    3. Write a descriptive passage of around 600 words on a subject, agreed with an appropriate adult beforehand.
    4. Write a 600-word review of a favourite book, play or other work of literature and talk about it with an appropriate adult.
    5. Produce a published article of around 600 words in length.

      You could contribute to a school, faith, community or Scout magazine or write a letter to a local paper.

    6. Keep a diary on a subject, for a length of time agreed with an appropriate adult beforehand.
    7. Write a play or dramatic sketch lasting at least 10 minutes.
    8. Interview a local celebrity, or other notable person.

      Write or type out the interview to show the questions you asked and the interviewee’s replies.

    9. Write a letter to a pen pal (real or imaginary) of at least 600 words.

September 2024.

Requirements can be adapted to suit each young persons abilities. See our guidance on flexibility.

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