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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Boats All boats owned by or on long term loan to the movement must have a unique identifier clearly marked on the craft. When members take part in scouting activities on waters controlled by the Canal and River Trust the members or group must be identifiable as part of The Scout Association to gain access to the waters within the TSA bulk license agreement. All boats must have adequate marine insurance cover. Third party Public Liability cover is a minimum requirement.

Note: Craft which are foot or hand propelled, sailing craft or other craft not exceeding 5m in length are automatically covered for Public Liability under The Scout Association’s main policy. Any other craft over 5m in length or motorised vessels etc, or those wishing to insure against damage to the Scout boat will require additional marine cover. Further guidance is available from Unity. The person in charge of any water activity must ensure that the craft and associated equipment are fit for purpose and suitable for the activity on each occasion that it is used.