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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

Discover what this means


Support Scouts today and invest in young people's tomorrow with a gift of £10,000 or more.

How will you support young people?

Looking for a way to follow in Robert Baden-Powell's words and leave the world a little better than you found it?

You can make a strategic investment that’ll help change the lives of young people at a national level. We'll tailor your donation of £10,000 or more to a project you feel passionate about.

As a major donor, you'll receive bespoke communications with updates on the impact of your gift, news about wider UK Scouts, and invitations to special events.

Some of our ongoing projects include

Since 2015, Scouts have established over 1,280 Cub Packs, Scout Troops and Beaver Colonies in the most deprived areas of the UK. Our ambition is to create another 500 groups by 2023, so we can help more disadvantaged young people have fun and reach their full potential.

We want to extend age-appropriate Scouts to 4 to 6 year olds nationwide. Our successful pilots have shown the Scouts for 4 to 6 year olds programme produces positive results for children’s personal, social and emotional development. Using our volunteer model, we believe we can create 100,000 places by 2025 in our new section, Squirrels.

Now more than ever, Scouts needs to be a digital-first organisation. By 2023, we want to transform the experience of how young people and volunteers engage with Scouts through the use of digital services, tools and platforms.

Two Squirrels sitting around a campfire eating cupcakes
Become a philanthropic supporter

We welcome the chance to work in partnership with you to make sure your gift has real impact. To discuss how you can lend your philanthropic support to Scouts, please get in touch on

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