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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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It’s important to remember that, despite being in a position of responsibility, an ESYL is still a young person. ESYLs should never be left alone with a section, should always be supported, and must not be counted in the section’s adult to young person ratios. It's important to have an in-touch process in place, and to be aware of any medical details and contact details relating to the ESYL.

ESYLs have their own version of Young People First (Yellow Card): Young People First (Orange Card). This is introduced in Module A, which covers safeguarding and child protection in detail.

Please note that Module A must be completed by all ESYLs, and by all young people from outside Scouting volunteering as Young Leaders, within three months of starting the Scheme. It's integral that every ESYL has their own copy of Young People First (Orange Card) with them at all times. Following the rules not only safeguards young people in the section, but also safeguards the ESYL themselves, preventing them from putting themselves in vulnerable positions.

On camp, ESYLs are in a unique position within the section. They are not adults and are under 18, so they must not share sleeping areas with the leadership team. Similarly, it's important to acknowledge that they are in a position of responsibility and are not attending camp as a participant. As a result, they should always be given their own private space and sleeping arrangements.

The Young People First (Orange Card) can be found on and is available for free at Scout Stores.

There is no one-size-fits-all model when it comes to delivering modules. The approach taken must be one that works best for you and your ESYLs. The models below are intended as guidance and inspiration, demonstrating a number of different ways you could choose to run the Scheme.

Model one

The ESYL Unit have decided to meet monthly on late Sunday afternoons, when they are not busy with other commitments. They run modules and discuss how things are going in the section. This allows a good amount of time to cover things in the session. However, as the meetings are monthly, if the ESYLs miss a session they have to wait a long time to catch up again.

Model two

The ESYL Unit meet every other Thursday. In this time they usually aim to run one module and go through any questions the ESYLs might have.

Model three

Three Districts join together to run a joint ESYL Leader weekend. This means that they have a larger number of ESYLs. They run the modules over three weekends a year. As an alternative, you could also run training as a County/Region/Area over a number of weekends.

Model four

ESYLs meet three days a year to go over module training. They check in using Skype once a month as a Unit.

It’s really important to set clear expectations and responsibilities for each team member. Delegating tasks can be incredibly helpful. Doing so will help you make sure that the workload is fairly distributed, and minimise the risk that one person ends up taking on all of the work themselves. Below is a summary of the Explorer Scout Leader Young Leader (ESLYL) role and responsibilities.

The ESLYL is the section leader for an Explorer Scout (Young Leader) Unit. They’re responsible for developing and ensuring quality training and supervision of Explorer Scout Young Leaders (ESYLs) within the District. This includes ensuring that this provision is open to all Explorer Scouts. This may be done with the help of others who may have relevant experience.

Tasks/responsibilities include:

  • ensuring that the modules of the Scheme are delivered on a regular basis
  • ensuring modules and missions are available and accessible to all ESYLs in the District, and
  • encouraging ESYLs to take part
  • ensuring all ESYLs have input into the ESY programme and are able to review it through the use of a Unit or District Forum, or through other suitable methods
  • ensuring all ESYLs are able to complete Module A within three months of becoming an ESYL
  • ensuring all ESYLs are adequately supervised in whichever section they work

Working with other adult volunteers involves:

  • creating and maintaining good relationships with Group Scout Leaders and section leaders through regular visits, making sure ESYLs are receiving the right support
  • coordinating appropriate adults to deliver training modules
  • ensuring accurate records of each ESYL’s personal details and Scouting achievements are kept, working in accordance with the Data Protection Act
  • ensuring section leaders understand the missions, and know how to help ESYLs achieve them

Ideally an ESLYL should be appointed. However, sometimes the Explorer Scout Leader (ESL) may be the person who is delivering the Scheme. In that case, the role and responsibilities would be similar to that of the ESLYLs above. Where there is both an ESLYL and an ESL, it's recommended that the two work closely together to ensure that the Scheme is promoted to Explorer Scouts in the Unit, and to communicate any issues.

Working alongside an Explorer Scout Young Leader (ESYL) opens up many great opportunities for a section. ESYLs can bring a range of different skills and experience to the section they support and can help invaluably with the planning and running of your section. This not only benefits your section but allows the ESYL to develop skills for later life, equipping them for successful careers, and to take on adult roles within Scouting.

ESYLs undertake a training Scheme that consists of 11 modules and four missions. Modules cover a variety of topics such as programme planning, inclusive Scouting and first aid. Usually, ESYLs go through this training with other ESYLs, completing modules together. Missions, which are similar to the validation section in the adult training scheme, put the learning from the modules into action. These are what the ESYL will need to complete in the section they support. As a section leader, the support you offer your ESYL will contribute towards their development and ensure that the section gets the most out of their time. Below are some top tips for working with ESYLs in your section.

Before an ESYL’s first session, make sure they know where they are going and who they can expect to meet there. Ideally, you should meet with the ESYL before the first session. Much like any new leader, ESYLs may feel nervous, or may not know what to expect. At the start of the session, take time to introduce them to the other leaders and young people. At the end of the session, introduce them to the parents. This familiarity will help put them at ease.

Spend a bit of time getting to know your ESYL. Just like adult leaders, they will have a range of experiences and skills to share.

Some questions you may wish to ask an ESYL include:

  • How long have you been in Scouting?
  • Have you been through the section you are helping with?
  • Why do you want to be an Explorer Scout Young Leader?
  • Do you have any previous experience working with young people?
  • Do you have any previous experience leading activities?
  • Are you at school or college?
  • What are your ambitions and interests?
  • Are you working towards your top awards ie Chief Scout’s Platinum, Diamond, QSA and/or DofE?

ESYLs can help with an array of tasks. They are not there to make the juice or the tea, any more than any other leader. They are an integral part of your leadership team. By investing some time with your ESYL at the beginning, you are much more likely to see them develop and take an active role in planning and running the section. ESYLs could:

  • help to plan the programme
  • plan and run youth forums and games
  • to get feedback from the section
  • plan and run games and activities
  • open or close the meeting
  • help with websites or social media pages (with support, as they are still
    under 18)
  • run sessions on topics they feel confident about
  • talk to young people about their experiences
  • inspire the section, acting as a role model
  • attend residential trips and camps

In order for ESYLs to complete these activities, they will need some support from you. It's advisable to talk through any tasks or activities before they do them for the first time. Consider whether you are the best person in the section’s leadership team to support the ESYL. Is there someone else in the leadership team who would thrive buddying a new member of the team?

The benefits an ESYL will get out of the Scheme are very similar to the benefits of being an adult leader. Like adult volunteers, ESYLs will get to see young people develop, have fun and give back to their communities, all while developing some useful, transferrable life skills.

Whilst an ESYL is working within a section, the section leader is responsible for their safety and welfare. It's important to remember that an ESYL is still a young person, regardless of their responsibilities. The same Young People First (Yellow Card) guidance you apply to your section should also be applied to ESYLs. You should never spend time one-on-one with an ESYL, and should never directly text or email them without copying in other members of the leadership team, for example.

When ESYLs start the Scheme, they will be given a copy of Young People First (Orange Card) - the ESYL version of the Young People First (Yellow Card). ESYLs must also complete Module A of the Scheme within three months, which provides detailed information about safeguarding and child protection. It's important that the ESYL is equipped with the right skills and knowledge to deal with any situations that arise.

When the ESYL takes part in a camp or residential, consideration should also be given to the sleeping arrangements. The ESYL should have their own separate accommodation. They should not share with adult leaders, or with the young people in the section.

Mission one - Game

Plan and run a minimum of three games with the section you are volunteering with. At least one game should take place indoors and one outdoors.

Mission two - Activity

Plan and run an activity (not a game) with the section you are volunteering with.

Mission three - Programme Planning

Take the section’s programme ideas to a programme planning meeting.

Mission four - Delivery

Take responsibility for organising and running part of the section programme.

An Explorer Scout Young Leader (ESYL) offers a great opportunity for a section. They bring a range of different skills and experiences with them, and can support with the planning and running of a section. This not only benefits the section, but allows the ESYL to develop their skills for later life, equipping them for successful careers and to take on adult roles in Scouting.

ESYLs undertake a training scheme which consists of 11 modules and four missions. Modules cover a variety of topics such as programme planning, inclusive Scouting and first aid. Usually, ESYLs will go through this training with other ESYLs, completing modules together. Missions, which are similar to the validation section in the Adult Training Scheme, put the learning from the modules into action. These are what the ESYL will need to complete in the section they support. Young Leaders can also be young people who are working towards their Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards or their Queen’s Guide Award for a set period of time. As the Group Scout Leader, you have an important part to play in supporting ESYLs within the sections in your Group. After all, an ESYL is part of a section’s leadership team. Below are some top tips for supporting ESYLs as a Group Scout Leader.

Know the amount of ESYLs currently active within your Group, and have an overview of who they are. This will help you ensure they are best supported, and will also help when filling in a census. Introduce yourself when visiting sections to make sure they know who you are. Remember that should they have any issues in the section, they may come to you or their Explorer Scout Leader Young Leader. Similarly, it’s important to know who your ESLYL is and maintain a relationship with them.

Make sure ESYLs feel supported in the section they support. It's really important that section leaders are aware of the benefits having an ESYL on board can bring. As a part of the leadership team, they can be involved with running activities and games, help with Youth Shaped programme planning, and get involved in camps. ESYLs will also input fresh and inspiring new ideas, which will benefit the programme. Check in with section leaders to find out how ESYLs are getting on.

Make sure all ESYLs have completed Module A within three months and encourage this process. An ESYL must complete Module A on safeguarding and child protection within three months. It's important ESYLs are equipped to respond appropriately should a situation arise, protecting themselves and the young person.

Ensure section leaders are aware of the missions. ESYLs complete four missions. They should carry out these missions in the section, and may need support to enable them to achieve their goals.

Promote the wider Explorer Scout provision to the ESYLs in the Group and encourage them to complete their top awards.

Mission one - Game

Plan and run a minimum of three games with the section you are volunteering with. At least one game should take place indoors and one outdoors.

Mission two - Activity

Plan and run an activity (not a game) with the section you are volunteering with.

Mission three - Programme Planning

Take the section’s programme ideas to a programme planning meeting.

Mission four - Delivery

Take responsibility for organising and running part of the section programme.

Supporting Explorer Scout Young Leaders in your District: advice for District Explorer Scout Commissioners

The ESYLs’ Scheme is part of the Explorer Scout programme and an important part of the District Explorer Scout Commissioner (DESC) role.

The Scheme offers ESYLs a fantastic opportunity to volunteer alongside adult leaders in a Squirrel Drey, Beaver Colony, Cub Pack or Scout Troop. Young Leaders can also be young people not currently involved in Scouting who are working towards their Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards or their Queen’s Guide Award for a set period of time. Lots of Young Leaders are unaware that they are completing the volunteering sections of Duke of Edinburgh's Awards or Chief/King's Scout Award, make it a target to tell young people how they can sign up and complete their Awards while they're a Young Leader. You could organise an introduction session with your District/County DofE Adviser who can help you plan to support the Awards and let you know about any upcoming adult volunteer training.

ESYLs are very much part of the leadership team and should play an active part in the section. They plan and run activities, as well as being positive role models.

The ESYL’s Scheme contains 11 modules and four missions that ESYLs work through whilst volunteering in their chosen section. The modules will give them the skills and knowledge to be successful, and the missions will allow them to put this into practice with support.

It's recommended that DESCs appoint an Explorer Scout Leader Young Leader (ESLYL) or a team of ESYLs to look after and deliver the Scheme. The ESLYL would be responsible for ensuring the modules are delivered in the District and for developing the ESYL provision.

As the DESC you'll directly line manage the ESLYL. In absence of this role, the managing of the Scheme would come to you as line manager. Below are some top tips to consider in your role.

Recruiting the right person or people (if you opt for a team approach) will make the Scheme more successful. Be clear about what you want each person to do, and suggest how you want them to do it. Remember: the role requires someone who is inspirational, well organised and engaging when delivering training.

Find out how the ESLYL would like to be supported. Let them know if you are planning to visit a meeting, and schedule extra time to catch up and review how things are going.

The methods used to deliver the modules vary, and can be adapted to the suit the needs of the ESYLs. However, ESYLs must complete module A within three months of starting the Scheme. This is because the module contains an introduction to the Scheme, alongside vital information on child protection, safeguarding and safety. Note: ESYLs should also receive a copy of Young People First (Orange Card), which is the ESYL version of Young People First (Yellow Card) given to adult volunteers.

Make sure the wider Explorer provision is promoted to Explorer Scout Young Leaders and ask other Explorer Leaders to promote the Scheme in return. The Scheme offers so many benefits to Explorers who complete it, and it's important to shout about that. ESYLs develop an array of skills, such as communication, leadership and planning. When talking to young people and Explorer Leaders, promote the fact that the Scheme counts towards the volunteering elements of other Scouting awards, such as the Chief Scout’s Platinum and Diamond Awards, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards and the top award in Scouting: the King’s Scout Award.

Remember, Explorers can be involved in more than one Unit and Districts can support each other to get the best offer to young people.

For example, you could promote the Scheme to those supporting the Scout section, and talk about why the Scheme matters at District meetings. It's important that the District Executive understand the importance of the Scheme as they approve the financing of it.

As a DESC, support the ESLYL in thinking about how you celebrate ESYLs. The ESYL belt shows a young person has dedicated an incredible amount of time to supporting younger sections and upskilling themselves. It's important to recognise this achievement in the same way you would a top award.

Supporting Explorer Scout Young Leaders in your District: advice for the District Executive

The Explorer Scout Young Leaders’ (ESYLs’) Scheme is part of the Explorer Scout programme and an important part of the District Executive’s responsibilities.

The Scheme offers ESYLs a fantastic opportunity to volunteer alongside adult leaders in a Squirrel Drey, Beaver Colony, Cub Pack or Scout Troop. Young Leaders can also be young people who are working towards their Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards or their Queen’s Guide Award for a set period of time. ESYLs are very much part of the leadership team and should play an active part in the section. They plan and run activities, as well as being positive role models.

The ESYL’s Scheme contains 11 modules and four missions that ESYLs work through whilst volunteering in their chosen section. The modules will give them the skills and knowledge to be successful, and the missions will allow them to put this into practice with support. Not only will these skills be useful if they go on to adult leadership, they will also help ESYLs to stand out from the crowd and develop confidence. The Scheme counts as prior learning towards adult leadership roles.

in supporting the ESYLs Scheme involves being:

  • responsible for offering a programme for ESYLs within their District
  • responsible for ensuring an Explorer Scout Leader Young Leader (ESLYL) is in appointment within the District
  • responsible for covering and running ESYL training, alongside the District Explorer Scout Commissioner, in the absence of an ESLYL
  • responsible for championing and supporting the work of ESYLs across the District
  • responsible for ensuring that there is youth representation on the District Executive
  • making sure adequate facilities are made available to your ESLYL for training
  • providing financial support
  • making connections with District, County, Region or Area teams as appropriate
  • making wider partnerships with individuals and teams who can support local ESYL training (eg SENCO coordinators, safeguarding teams)

Supporting Explorer Scout Young Leaders: advice for County/Region or Area teams

The Scheme offers ESYLs a fantastic opportunity to volunteer alongside adult leaders in a Squirrel Drey, Beaver Colony, Cub Pack or Scout Troop. Young Leaders can also be young people who are working towards their Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards or their Queen’s Guide Award for a set period of time. ESYLs are very much part of the leadership team and should play an active part in the section. They plan and run activities, as well as being positive role models.

The Scheme contains 11 modules and four missions that ESYLs work through whilst volunteering in their chosen section. The modules will give them the skills and knowledge to be successful, and the missions will allow them to put this into practice with support. Not only will these skills be useful if they go on to adult leadership, they will also help ESYLs to stand out from the crowd and develop confidence. The Scheme counts as ‘prior learning’ towards adult leadership roles.

in supporting the ESYLs’ Scheme involves being responsible for:

  • ensuring District Commissioners have a District Explorer Scout Commissioner or District Explorer Scout Administrator role appointed with appropriate provision for ESYLs
  • working alongside the Assistant County/Region, or Area Commissioner Explorers to provide additional Countywide ESYL training if deemed needed or wanted
  • exploring the possibility of appointing Assistant County/Region or Area Commissioner ESYLs to
    support the work of ESYLs within the County, Region or Area
  • championing and supporting the work of ESYLs across the County/Region or Area

Working with other adult volunteers also involves being responsible for making connections with other District, County/Region or Area teams as appropriate, and exploring wider partnerships with individuals or teams who can support local ESYL training (eg SENCO coordinators, safeguarding teams).

Reviewing the Explorer Scout Young Leader provision in the District

The Quality of Programme Checker is a tool designed to help you plan and review your ESYL provision, and make sure that you are delivering quality scouting to the ESYLs you work with. A quality programme is challenging, relevant and rewarding for every young person.

What we mean by challenging:

  • opportunities for outdoor and adventurous activities in safe environments
  • opportunities for young people to gain confidence by participating in new or less familiar
    activities, and by stepping outside their comfort zone
  • all young people can enjoy and achieve, regardless of their abilities

What we mean by relevant:

  • young people shape the programme based on what they want to learn and explore
  • the needs of every young person are met
  • volunteers respond to what young people are currently inquisitive about, reflecting their
    interests in the programme

What we mean by rewarding:

  • programme actively develops skills for life, including teamwork and leadership
  • young people are supported with their progression through the sections
  • young people are excited about Scouting, having fun, and increasing in confidence

The red, amber and green categories below will help you identify any areas where the ESYL Scheme could be improved, and to set targets when planning. This tool could be used to review the last year of term, and identify areas that need a greater focus. Tick the box next to the answer that best applies to your programme for each question. To make sure the tool is as beneficial as possible, you should be open and honest while completing it.

Growing your ESYL provision

The Scheme equips Explorer Scouts with life skills and prepares them to be successful citizens. At such an important time in a young person’s life, the Scheme offers them a chance to develop, to give back to their communities and to have fun along the way.

ESYLs are a brilliant asset to any section. They diversify the leadership team and bring fresh ideas and inspiration to the table. With the right development, they can become fantastic section leaders, ensuring that even more young people in the future benefit from the adventures, friendship and skill development Scouting brings.

The greater the number of young people who complete the Scheme, the greater impact the Scheme has. Therefore, growing your ESYL provision locally is an incredibly important task.

Here are some top tips to consider when growing your provision, or increasing numbers in your District:

It may sound obvious, but do you have a team around you who can help with delivering modules? Is there anyone who can step in and support if you are away? Delegating tasks and bringing others in on the Scheme is important. If your numbers grow, a strong team can help you to keep on top of the provision and offer a high quality experience.

At every opportunity, tell people about the Scheme and your role within it. For example, you could talk to other members at District events, email new members in the District to introduce yourself, attend Explorer meetings, or consider sending a newsletter with your name and picture attached.

Visit Explorer Units to promote the Scheme. It's important to work in partnership with Explorer Scout Leaders. Explain what it's all about and run some activities from the modules to promote the Scheme.

Word of mouth can be extremely effective, as ESYLs themselves are the biggest influence to their peers.

with the Explorer Scout Leaders and District Explorer Scout Commissioners. As all three roles support the 14-18 Explorer provision, it's preferable to make sure there are clear expectations about who is responsible for doing what.

For example, local schools and colleges are a brilliant place to promote the Scheme, as well as the wider Explorer programme. You might want to come up with a plan of who is going visit schools, and to discuss how you might best approach them.

The District Executive look after the funding of District provision. If funding is preventing you doing something, speak to your DESC and your Treasurer. There may be helpful funds available which you are not aware of. Lots of local businesses and initiatives are very supportive of schemes that help young people develop life skills, too.

Consider contacting them to see whether they can support. From free pizza donations for training events, to financial support to help an ESYL go on a section’s camp, it's always worth finding out what your options are. The Scout Association also offers funds for certain activities. To find out more about what is available at the current time, please visit

Completing the Scheme as part of a top Scouting award is a great way to encourage more young people to give it a go.

Young leaders are currently less likely to gain their Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards and Chief Scouts Awards despite their volunteering efforts in the Young Leaders Scheme counting towards those awards. 

Celebrating successes is a really important part of creating a positive environment. The ESYL journey has seen dedication and hard work. Think about how you can make it a special experience. Don’t forget to celebrate all the work you and your team have put into getting them there, too. Without the support, guidance and hard work of volunteers, the ESYLs would never have completed the Scheme.