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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Give it a go!

Give it a go!

Check out some tried and tested ideas direct from Scouts volunteers!

We've gathered together successes that Scout volunteers have had, alongside advice from organisations who engage with their communities, to share proven ways to be welcoming and including. You don't have to do them all at once, but why not give some of them a go to help you support the community you live in?

Tweaking what you already do

Small steps can bring big rewards!

People are drawn to fun!

Do your engagement activities have an element of fun? Be it an advert or an open day, enjoy it, your fun will draw people in. 

Each section will have its own personality, so show that off too.

Fun is also core to Scouts!

Find out where communities meet and go to them. 

As a leadership team you could meet in a community coffee shop and start a chat with the community meeting there.

If you're focusing on a particular topic and it's reflected in your community, invite them along.

For example, at an open day you could invite some of the local food places to come along and provide/sell their food.

Scouts have done lots of work on attracting new volunteers

Rather than advertising a role such as Squirrels Leader that can be a bit daunting, advertise the task or the skill. 

For example, would you like to read stories, take the register, take on some admin, wash up the pots?

Always keep furthering reach in mind, and seek opportunities.

When you're hiring out your venue, do a thank you pack to the person/organisation renting it, and pop in some flyers to promote opportunities in the group.

Online engagement

Being present online can help you grow your reach 

Look at the images and communications that you post on social media.

Do they represent the community you draw from? 

Can you share pictures of an activity that shows you are open and inclusive? For example, pride activities, learning about a faith, and so on.

Add a statement to your website saying you're open and inclusive.

State you're open to chat to anyone who may have barriers such as accessibility or finance. 

On your social media and website, share images and commentary highlighting our core Scout values. 

This allows others who come across your messaging to see how they align with their values.

People engage with stories, so when you communicate think about how you could present.

Tell fun and personalised stories through pictures and words.

Make space for others to share too, and you'll begin to grow positive relationships.

Recognise key cultural and community events in the calendar.

Share images of activities you have undertaken or post appreciation of their special day, for example ‘Happy Eid from 1st Woggleton Squirrel Scouts’.

We have shared lots of activity ideas so have a look through and get sharing!

On your group's social media, follow diverse community groups and post comments.

Not just adverts, but positive and supportive engagement. 

Whizz-Kidz and Scouts

We've partnered with Whizz-Kidz to provide some useful tips about supporting accessibility at Scouts.

Whizz-Kidz operate all over the UK and can offer your district or county some free wheelchair user training.  

They're also able to empower young wheelchair users by providing the wheelchairs, equipment, support and confidence-building experiences they need, and campaigning for a more inclusive society.

Find out more about Whizz-Kidz >
  • Ask me if I want help don't assume.
  • Encourage me, be supportive and give appropriate feedback.
  • Nothing about us, without us.
  • Don't focus on what has happened to me, focus on me now and understand what I can and can't do now.
  • Treat me the age I am – if unsure ask me what age I am.
  • Be patient and talk to me if there’s something you want to know about me.
  • Don't expect me to be able to do everything but don't leave me out.
  • Explain what we're doing in an accessible way – ensure that I understand. 
  • Don't be scared to ask questions about what we can physically do – just ask!
  • Find solutions with me, not for me. 
  • Talk to me and not my carer.
  • Don't be afraid to contact me before sessions to ask how I want to do something.
  • Own your own inclusive practice – it’s everyone’s responsibility to be inclusive.
  • Inclusion is within everyone’s ability.
  • Use the Social Model of Disability to coach (society adapts for need) rather than the Medical Model (something that needs solving).
  • Don't touch me or my chair
    without permission, ask first!
  • Make sure we’re having fun.
  • Don’t exclude by trying to include others.
  • Be patient with communication - I may need more time to process or answer you back.
  • Don't just walk in front of me when I'm doing something. I may not be able to see you there.
  • Everyone deserves to be empowered/enabled.
Welcoming and Including

Feeling welcomed and included encourages volunteers and young people to come back each week.  

You might not have all the answers, but you can find out.

If you aren't sure, then respectfully ask. Find a quiet space, share you'd like to find out more, and then ask if they would be happy to share. Finally, listen to what they say. 

It's important to remember that the young person themselves and their parents/ carer are the experts on their individual needs.

There's a wealth of information online and loads of charities and groups who can help support your understanding of engaging with specific communities. 

Allow people to engage meaningfully. Support them to participate in running the group. Have parent rotas and ensure they can become part of the leadership team and share their ideas.

When involving volunteers in planning, you may need to be flexible with times and locations.  

A variety of people brings a variety of viewpoints. Let their experiences and ideas shape and enrich the programme.


Scouts is designed to be flexible to support all members to take part, achieve and reach their full potential. Find a route with wheelchair access, simplify instructions and look online for adaptations. 

Check out some more tips on supporting young members access everything Scouts has to offer

When holding an event consider the barriers in advance accessibility, cost (can you do this for free?), dietary needs, space for prayer.

Don't be afraid to be explicit when sharing that you're considering these things.

Also, you may not be able to adapt for everyone, so invite them to talk to you prior to the event and you can see what workarounds may be available.

Build in both time and space for prayer and spiritual reflection as standard practice and don't tag it onto a comfort break. Going to the loo is not prayer or reflection time.  

Display a rainbow flag in your Scouts hut or on your webpages. Be involved in a Pride activity or go to Pride.

Satellite groups

Supporting new sections to open, with the support of an existing group

Opening a satellite section is a way of reaching to new communities with the support of existing groups.

This way they can concentrate on running the  programme for the young people, without worrying about financial set-up and recruitment for a trustee committee.

It allows time for groups to become established, build in confidence, and equip them to carry out other Scouts duties.

District Commissioners and Group Scout Leaders play a big part in supporting satellite groups. Get in touch with them if you know of a community that's interested in starting a new group.

A satellite group may be the answer if they're worried all the other elements of a Scout group set up will prevent them from opening one.

Satellite groups get the benefit of an existing trustee board and financial structure, so they're able to focus on engaging with communities that wouldn’t normally Scout.

By supporting satellite groups, you're removing some of the barriers and challenges of opening a new group. You get the opportunity to further reach and deliver good quality Scouts to young people from all walks of life. More young people can enjoy the Scouts adventure that's reflective of their communities.

Find out more about satellite groups by reading through our satellite section pages.