Using accessibility tools for independent learning
At Scouts we are committed to ensuring that our movement is inclusive for all and we have a responsibility to ensure that our training for volunteers is accessible.
To ensure consistency within key areas of our training, to improve the ease and speed by which volunteers are able to complete their training requirements and to aid us in being more agile with updates, a number of our training modules are now available as independent eLearning.
The training modules include:
- Essential Information (module 1)
- Safety
- Safeguarding
- General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and
- Trustee Introduction
We recognise the need for accessibility and so where, for accessibility reasons, members cannot complete this training independently, a Training Adviser, Local Training Manager or County Training Manager could meet with them to go through the online learning with them, providing one-to-one support or, exceptionally, using a workbook.
We would encourage the workbook to be the last resort used by Training Advisers and Managers.
Using accessibility tools
Technology provides a wide range of settings which can help make online content accessible for those with vision or hearing problems, and in some cases, those with physical or motor issues. These accessibility settings can increase the size of the default font, zoom in on the screen, and even speak text or activate subtitles and captioning.
As we move into an ever increasingly digital world, let’s explore what technology manufacturers and our devices already have built in to support accessibility.
How we support hose without a device
There will be some members within the movement who do not have a device that will enable them to complete the eLearning or who may not have internet access. There are a number of options available which should be explored to help these members complete the training:
- Completing the training using someone else’s device from within the Group or District. This could be done in the Scout Hall, if there is an internet connection or in a local public space such as a café, many of which now have Wi-Fi available.
- Some local Appointment Advisory Panel meetings have computers available for new members to complete their getting started training at. Get in touch with them and see if they could accommodate time to enable other members to come and complete their training requirements too.
- Many libraries still offer internet and computer access. You may need to book a slot but they offer this service free of charge. More information available, depending on your location below: