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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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The Fraser Guidelines

The Fraser Guidelines

The Fraser guidelines (named after Lord Fraser) provide a guide to good practice. An adult in Scouting may give advice without the parents’ knowledge and consent - if necessary - in the following circumstances:

  • The young person must be able to understand the advice being given.
  • The adult cannot persuade the young person to inform his or her parents that he or she is seeking contraceptive advice.
  • The adult should only provide contraception if they believe the young person is very likely to begin or continue having intercourse with or without contraception.
  • Unless the young person receives contraceptive advice or treatment, their physical or mental health are likely to suffer. For a full set of the guidelines go to FPA factsheet Under 16s: consent and confidentiality in sexual health services April 2016

Remember that any discussions you have with young people should be in accordance with the Young People First Code of Practice on the Yellow Card, especially:

  • Do plan activities that involve more than one other person being present, or at least are in the sight and hearing of others
  • Do respect a young person’s right to personal privacy
  • Do treat everyone with dignity and respect in line with the Scouting values
  • Do act within appropriate boundaries, even in difficult circumstances

Yellow Card

Our Young People First Code of Practice (Yellow Card) sets out guidance for all adults in Scouts.

Read the Yellow Card