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How to avoid ticks

How to avoid ticks

Sensible controls to adopt are:

  • Stay on paths
  • Stay out of deep vegetation
  • Light coloured clothing will make ticks more visible before they move onto the skin
  • Wear long sleeved garments and long trousers tucked into your socks
  • Be aware of them and get everyone to inspect themselves after activities in the countryside
  • Application of an insect repellent that is effective against ticks, before the activity, may help (always follow the manufacturers’ guidance when applying). 

Please note:

• DEET insect repellents are available in various forms and concentrations.  Users should check with their pharmacy for advice before use. Some people are allergic to DEET.
• When sunscreen and DEET are used together, DEET should be applied after the sunscreen. The effectiveness of repellent reduces more rapidly than sunscreen, therefore, repellent may have to be reapplied on top of sunscreen.  DEET also reduces the effectiveness of sun cream and so a higher sun protection factor (SPF) should be used
• DEET can damage plastics so take care near to spectacles and waterproof clothing
• Nb. There are insect repellents available that do not contain DEET.

More information can be found at Lyme Disease Action.

Some US websites suggest impregnating clothing with Permethrin, however in the UK, this is only used on prescription by a doctor.