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Preparing and cooking of food

Preparing and cooking of food

Good hygiene during food preparation prevents food poisoning.

Raw food and high-risk food should ideally be prepared in separate areas with separate equipment. If this isn't possible, then raw food and high risk food should be kept separate, and all equipment, surfaces and so on, which come in contact with them, should be thoroughly washed in between the preparation of raw and cooked foods. The handling of food should be kept to a minimum.

Thorough cooking of food is important to destroy harmful bacteria. After cooking, the food should be eaten as soon as possible.

Always cut through poultry and meat to ensure it's fully cooked. Pay particular attention to this when barbecuing food. Make sure it's cooked slowly and thoroughly and not just done on the outside.

You can also take a look at meal safety advice for four and five year olds to prevent choking.