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Managing Adventurous Activities

A resource for Managers of the Activity Permit Scheme (MAPS)


Version 4 – March 2018, last reviewed with no updated 2018

A resource for Managers of the Activity Permit Scheme (MAPS) supporting the management of the Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme within their County.

The role of MAPS is to manage and support the Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme within their County/Area/Region (Scotland) – from now on referred to as County. This is important not only ensuring a fully functioning permit scheme to support leaders locally, but also to ensure we have a robust and well managed scheme in all areas, that can be moderated and documented ….for any external parties that need to be able to see what it is we do.

MAPS don't necessarily have to carry out all the tasks detailed here themselves, but need to ensure that they are all carried out within their County.

The role of MAPS can be divided into four areas:

1. Supporting County Assessors

2. Supporting those applying for permits and facilitating opportunities for them

3. Supporting Commissioners with their role within the activity permit scheme

4. Carrying out the annual County moderation of the activity permit scheme