Continue learning
These rules explain the learning required for a role after completion of the Growing Roots learning.
16.5.1 First aid
All volunteers in roles that require a first aid certificate (see the Teams Table (16.11.1)) must complete this within one year of the role start date.
All volunteers must re-validate their first aid certificate every three years whilst in a role that the Teams Table (16.11.1) shows that first aid is required.
16.5.2 Safe Scouting learning
All volunteers must complete both the Safeguarding and the Safety learning every three years if the Teams Table (16.11.1) shows that 'the learning everyone needs' is required for their current role.
16.5.3 Wood Badge learning
A volunteer with a full role may opt to complete a Wood Badge.
A Wood Badge is only gained once, although volunteers are encouraged to continue developing their skills.
All Wood Badge learning is in addition to the relevant Growing Roots learning and is contained in Branching Out. Some of this additional learning in Branching Out may be required for specific roles, accreditation or permits.
16.5.4 Additional learning requirements
Exceptionally, UK Headquarters may require additional learning requirements for a period for all or specific roles.