Explorers Athletics Activity Badge
Explorers Athletics Activity Badge
All Olympic athletes started somewhere, how far will you go?
How to earn your badge:
Run through an appropriate warm-up routine that involves gentle stretching and loosening exercises, using all the main muscle groups.
The warm-up should last between five and ten minutes. After the session, demonstrate an appropriate warm-down.
Discuss the safety rules for athletics, particularly the throwing and jumping events.
Demonstrate an athletic discipline to other Explorers and encourage them to try it out.
Remember you’re not expected to have skills in instructing or coaching to complete this step – someone with the appropriate experience should be there to supervise you all.
Take part in at least two competitions or demonstrations.
Discuss your performance and how to improve with the examiner or instructor.
September 2024.
Requirements can be adapted to suit each young persons abilities. See our guidance on flexibility.