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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Scout Active Support allows people to give their time to Scouting on a flexible basis. People can still be involved in Scouting without the full-time commitment of being a leader.

It provides a resource for Managers of local Scouting including Group Scout Leaders, District Commissioners and County/Area Commissioners, who can use it in whichever way is required.


Scout Active Support is for anyone over the age of 18 years. It is a way for adults to volunteer time to Scouting in a flexible way that suits them.

There is no requirement to have been involved in Scouting before joining. All that is required is a willingness to volunteer some time to support Scouting.

Examples of Scout Active Support Units

Programme delivery to young people

A District Scout Active Support Unit can be a source of extra adult help in Leader absence. Or they can teach skills that the existing Leader team do not have, such as pioneering.

The County Scout Active Support Unit can provide support to Explorer Scouts or the Scout Network when planning international expeditions. This could include fundraising.

Development of Scouting

A Group Scout Active Support Unit can provide Training Advisers to all Leaders in the Scout Group. This could include delivering Module 1, Essential Information, to all new adults supporting the Group including parents.

A District Scout Active Support Unit can provide catering at District events during the year. This could include District Sectional Camps, District Meetings and the District AGM.

Programme delivery to young people

A new Beaver Scout Colony has just opened. Members of a District Scout Active Support Unit who have experience in running a Beaver Scout Colony could support the new leadership team for the first term.

A Cub Scout Pack is doing the local knowledge activity badge. A member of the Group Scout Active Support Unit could attend meetings for 2 weeks to share their knowledge of the local area with the Cub Scouts.

An Assistant Scout Leader at a local Group is on maternity leave. A member of the District Scout Active Support Unit could act as the Assistant Scout Leader for the duration of the maternity leave.

A County Scout Active Support Unit could provide opportunities for Scout Groups across the County to gain experience of water activities by coordinating six experience days annually.

Development of Scouting

A District Explorer Scout Unit is planning an international expedition. The District Scout Active Support Unit could work with them to plan the trip, including fundraising.

The District Commissioner is losing track of Want to Join enquiries from young people and adults. A County Active Support Unit could take on following up Want to Join enquiries, which might involve supporting adults and young people until they are involved in Scouting.

A Scout County runs an annual open day for adults and young people to experience Scouting. The County Scout Active Support Unit could take responsibility for organising an element of the day, coordinating activities and handouts.

A Scout Group is struggling for adults Leaders, a Group Scout Active Support Unit could take the lead on recruitment for the Group by attending local events such as school fairs and University Open Days.