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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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The Appointments Meeting Conversation Guide

Deliver a warm welcome and an effective conversation following our guide and prompts

From 1 June 2024, Welcome Conversations are being rolled out for new volunteers in our Early Adopter Counties. Volunteers in All Other Counties should continue delivering Appointments Panels for new volunteers. If you’re not sure which information is relevant to your County, ask your Transformation Lead or visit the Volunteer Experience page.

Find out which group my County is in

Appointments Panel members can use the information below to guide the conversation at an Appointments meeting, which should last around 30 minutes. Please use this guide along with the information on preparing for an Appointments Meeting.

Welcome and Thank You! 

  1. Welcome the new volunteer to the meeting and thank them for choosing to volunteer with the Scouts.
  2. Ask the new volunteer their name and confirm the group/section where they are going to be volunteering 
  3. Take it in turns to briefly share a little information about yourselves, for example your current scouting role and what you enjoy most about being a volunteer.

The purpose of today’s conversation   

Explain that the purpose of the meeting is to: 

  • Welcome them to the Scouts 
  • Meet the requirements of the appointment process.  
  • Explain a little more about where their role fits within the structure of the organisation. 
  • Ensure that they are clear about the role/tasks they will be doing 
  • Get to know them a little bit and understand why they are volunteering and what they are hoping to get out of the opportunity.  
  • Ensure they are aware of and agree to follow, the Scouts values, policies and promises.
  • Check they know where to go for support and who to ask, if they have a question or just need some help. 
  • Check they understand what will happen after this conversation and what else they need to do, to complete the appointment process. 
  • Answer any questions they have

What will you be doing? 

  1. What role will they be doing?  
  2. Why are they volunteering with Scouts? 
  3. If someone has talked to them about the role and do they understand what they will be doing?
  4. Do they have any questions about their role?

Getting the most out of volunteering with the Scouts   

  1. What are they hoping to get out of volunteering with the Scouts and is there anything specific, the organisation could do to help? 
  2. Has someone talked to them about the training that is provided for all volunteers and do they understand what training they will need to complete for their role? 
  3. Do they know how to access the training that they need to complete? 
  4. Have they been receiving the welcome emails and how they are getting on with completing the actions? 
  5. Is there any other training or support they think they might need, beyond what’s offered? 
  6. Do they know where and what support is available and who to ask, if they need help? 


Share information about how Scouting is organised and supported in the District/County/Area/Region and briefly explain how the volunteers' role fits into this structure. 

The Scouts Values, Promise and Key Policies  

  1. Have they had a chance to look at the values, promises and key policies of the Scouts and if they could tell you about them and why they think they are important? 
  2. Confirm they agree to follow the values and key policies of the organisation and make the promise, if appropriate to their role. 
  3. Have they read the 'Young People First (Yellow Card)' and if they have any questions? 
  4. Can they explain why it is important that they follow the yellow card in their volunteering role?  
  5. Confirm that they agree to follow the code of behaviour set out in the yellow card? 

Reassure the volunteer that the “Young People First” (yellow card), the key policies and values of the organisation will be explored further, in the online training.

Closing the Conversation and Next steps 

  1. Do they understand what will happen after this conversation and what actions they need to do, to complete the appointment process 
  2. Do they have any further questions? 

Inform the new volunteer, if there is anything that needs to be discussed further with the appointing commissioner or volunteer line manager. 

Thank them for their time today and everything they have done so far to get started as a Scouts volunteer!