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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Welcoming volunteers

All you need to know about a new volunteer’s joining journey

From 1 June 2024, Welcome Conversations are being rolled out for new volunteers in our Early Adopter Counties. Volunteers in All Other Counties should continue delivering Appointments Panels for new volunteers.

We're making changes to the way we welcome new volunteers at Scouts.

These changes will let new volunteers track the progress of their joining journey, putting them in control and helping them to feel at ease as they make their way to becoming a full member at Scouts.

Steps in the joining journey

The steps new volunteers will need to take to become a full member.

Find out about the joining journey steps

Welcome Conversations

Appointments Panels will be replaced by Welcome Conversations.

How to run a Welcome Conversation

New volunteer induction

Induction is our settling-in period to give volunteers a great start with us.

Learn more about induction

Buddies and supporting volunteers

Buddies will support new volunteers during their induction into Scouts.

Learn more about Buddies

The volunteer joining journey

From the point a new volunteer enquires about joining Scouts, to the point they become a full member, we’ve mapped out the whole process. Key steps will be driven by our digital system on, such as making sure checks are in place, learning is done and having a Welcome Conversation.

Joining Scouts is powered by volunteers though, and other parts can only happen through talking to volunteers locally – these parts make up induction.

You can start using the new joining journey, in full, at the point your County/Area/Region (Scotland) transitions to the new digital system in 2024. Early Adopters should read guidance on implementing the Welcome Conversation earlier.

Becoming a volunteer with Scouts

The volunteer joining journey represents a clear pathway which a new volunteer needs to follow when they decide to become a Scouts member. Along the way there will be opportunities where support is needed by other volunteers to ensure a quicker, easier and welcoming beginning in Scouts.

Here's what a new volunteer, and the volunteers supporting them might say.

New volunteers

'My journey made me feel welcome as an individual at Scouts' - Shivani

Shivani is a new volunteer who was previously a youth worker and wants to stay involved with her local community. Her motivations are helping young people, making a positive impact and personal growth.

Shivani’s schedule is mostly flexible, but she’s often unable to take on regular volunteering opportunities. She also sometimes feels unwelcome and excluded in new spaces.

At Scouts, she’s looking forward to being welcomed by her new team and building connections with other volunteers. 

Welcome Conversation Volunteers

'Having a role in the welcome conversation means I can help someone like someone helped me 6 months ago' - Alex

Alex is a Beavers Section Team Member who wants to get the Welcome Conversation Volunteer accreditation. He already has experience with helping new volunteers into his section, plus the new Squirrels section that was recently set up in his Group. Alex didn't feel like he had the greatest welcome into Scouts, so he wants to take on this accreditation to make sure he can offer full support to new volunteers joining Scouts. 

Alex believes he can make a difference because a positive welcome experience can set the tone for a volunteer’s entire time at Scouts. He also likes to meet new people and wants to expand his network in Scouts.

Team Leaders

'The joining journey is friendly and inclusive - just like Scouts!' - Emily

Emily is a warm and friendly Group Lead Volunteer who goes above and beyond to make sure people feel like valued members of the team. She loves to help others and wants to make a difference within Scouts. Emily feels proud when she sees new volunteers developing their skills and becoming valuable members of the team. 

Emily would like to provide a positive joining journey for new volunteers to help them easily move into their new roles at Scouts. She wants to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all volunteers.